I'm sorry that I haven't written in a while. Like I probably have said before. Right now I am working at 3 different branches and have been given this class that has become a MAJOR challenge! On top of that, I am in the upper level Chinese class and am struggling. Not to mention, all the other every day things that need to be done and by the time rest time comes along I am too pooped to do anything but either sleep or veg out on Facebook or hang out with da Hino.
But, I have been trying to help out Taichung PAWS! The volunteers need desperate help and of course!! The doggies!!
So first the somber:
A couple of us decided to go to Tsaotun today since it is that time of the month and help out like we normally do. As circumstances would have it, today happened to be when the typhoon would start to hit REAL hard. Maybe we were crazy, but we wanted to help.
So, we get to the shelter and things went as usual...cutting the grass with the shears and sickle, cleanign the hair and poop and moving cages so the ground could be cleaned.
But then these two guys came to give us gifts...to thank us for helping out. To be honest, I think those of us that were there are still trying to figure everything out. Basically, as this was all going on, one of the volunteers noticed that a couple of the dogs had stitches (sorry if I am misconstruing this, if so please tell me!!) and she asked why. After a few run arounds we finally got an answer that was something like...the neighbors were complaining about the barking, and the landlord said they would evict the caretaker and the dogs so the caretaker HAD to cut out a couple of the dogs' vocal chords...?
This came as a shock to us because the money that was spent on this asinine procedure should have been spent on getting these dogs medical treatment and other necessities. And just because those couple of dogs now have no vocal chords, the other dogs are still going to bark!!!!!
Ok, I'm new to all of this and yes, I am ignorant and naive, but this is just ridiculous! And I feel even more ignorant and naive because I assumed that these people knew how to handle a shelter and care for the dogs, but they don't!!
And what those two guys were doing there...hell if I know!! Apparently like everything else in this world, the system is corrupt as are the people.
My friend, one of the volunteers was so upset she ended up crying a couple times and for good reason! She is one of the founders of the organization and she has worked so hard to make things better and then something like this happens!!
And of course, I feel even worse because even though the puppy was a LOT better and healthier (well externally seen) I had to put it back in its cage and leave it there...and in the typhoon no less!
So now we have to figure what we are going to do about the shelter. This is a serious matter and we can not keep coming there if they aren't going to do jack shit to make it better!!! I mean, Jesus Christ!! The whole point of it is to MAKE THINGS BETTER and it's NOT!!!! It's worse!
But be on the lookout...if we can talk this over and get this fixed, we are hoping to have a fundraiser. I WANT a fundraiser for this shelter and I WANT these dogs adopted and into loving homes where the owners are smart enough as well as treat them in the best way possible!! Even if I am still tiringly(is that a word? oh well it's my word now) busy like I am now, I have decided to dedicate on or two days on the weekend to help Taichung PAWS!
I've also started walking the funniest and happiest dog on Saturdays with Hino. We go to a vet nearby and since this dog is being housed there temporarily until we find it a loving home, I volunteered to take it on a walk every Saturday. This lil guy's name is DaiDai and he is a pug (see above) and he is the CUTEST thing ever!! He seems to be healthy and he walks so adorable and happy!
I REALLY hate not being able to take these dogs home!! Once again...motivation for me to get my Master's , become fluent in Chinese and get a nice paying job where I can adopt these cuties!!!!
On a more positive note, I am happy to have great friends, DA BEST FAMBLY IN DA WORLD and finally, a great boyfriend who is actually there for me and get along with! I'm very grateful! Now, if I could just get Toetje (That's my name for da baby-His fur looks like Cookies and Cream ice cream and Toetje is Dutch for little dessert)and Dai Dai and Lucy and Star and Cinderella(Ok I don't remember Cinderella's name but for some reason I had a dream that was her..or is it his?? name) adopted then I wouldn't feel like such a wretch!!
And...TYPHOON DAY TOMORROW! No school! Yippee! :)
Tsaotun shelter during typhoon and otwo links to vids of Hino and I walking Dai Dai because it is almost 3am!!