Sunday, December 30, 2007

2008 Is Upon Us

Last weekend was a great weekend to celebrate Christmas. Boyfriend and I went to Finga's Base Camp and had a yummy Christmas dinner with my colleagues from other branches. I don't think Boyfriend has had a Turkey dinner for Christmas before and he seemed to enjoy it so that made me happy. Then we went back home, I had him open his Christmas presents while I attempted to make Glühwein using an electric hot-pot which tuened out OK. I then watched "It's a Wonderful Life" while Boyfriend fell asleep cuddling next to me :) He didn't seem to be a fan of the movie and I'm sure that would make my step-dad proud as my step-dad always teased my mom and I for watching (and sobbing) at the movie ;) The next day, we went to Iie Jong Street and even though I was feeling really sick, I wanted to get out so Boyfriend and I went there and had some candied tomatoes and toasted marshmallows with chocolate sauce and sprinkles and stuff :) So yummy! Then we went back to my place and watched some more Christmas movies, and ate some snackies :)

Unfortunately for Christmas day, I went to the doctor and found out I had Trichitis, NOT bronchitis, only because I have had a serious cough for 4 weeks and a hoarse voice. Nothing serious, but still want to get better!

Actually, that's about it, since I've been busy, but as 2008 is upon us here are my resolutions.

1. Be a better person.
2. Work and study hard, but do NOT burn yourself out.
3. Keep worthwhile job while improving self at worthwhile job.
4. Help others in need!
5. Listen to others and CARE!
6. Strive for independence.
7. Make this a positive experience!
8. Settle Down.
9. Stop talking about self so damn much!
10. Study English grammar more!
11. Remember that laughter truly is the best medicine!
12. Learn authentic Chinese/Taiwanese cooking!!!!!
13. Be more active!!!!!!!!
14. Don't fall into a trap!

I wish you all a WONDERFUL and prosperous 2008!

Happy New Year!! :)


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Anonymous said...

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- Johnson