My 2008 Resolutions:
1. Be a better person
2. Work hard and study hard. but don't over do it. Relax!
3. Keep improving yourself at your job
4. Help others in need
5. Listen to others and care
6. Strive for independence!
7. Make this a positive experience!
8. Settle down
9. Stop talking about yourself so damn much!
10. Study your English grammar
11. Laughter truly is the best medicine! Remember that!
12. Learn authentic Chinese/Taiwanese cooking!
13. Be more active!
14. Don't fall into the trap like Germany
The breakdown:
1. ALWAYS working on that one
2. Trying, but hasn't been working recently...
3. Actually, yes I have
4. Well, I'm trying but not succeeding
5. See number 4
6. Always
7. Trying to, but am getting frustrated with the pollution, traffic, lack of awesome restaurants, lack of reliable public transportation, good music, and most of all frustrated with my Chinese
8. Am going to get a new apartment after my lease is up...and will get a kitchen AND a dog!!! And hoping to get a flat screen TV soon
9. Uhh..yeahh..trying but you have to talk about yourself a little bit in a blog...
10. Yep, and since Hino is studying English that has been a challenge for me to be able to explain difficult grammar questions to adults learning English
11. Always!
12. Ok...didnt succeed in 2008, but Hino's mom invited me over for Chinese New Year and wants me to cook Western food and I hope at the same time I can watch her cook Taiwanese/Hakka/Chinese food!
13. I was exercising from July to August every day but then got the new class and haven't had time at all...
14. This is my biggest fear. I had a nightmare about it when I was in Holland. I can't make that same mistake again!!!
2009 is going to be a bit of a selfish year for me. I have fallen behind on many of my goals and need to get back on track if I want to succeed!! I need something better as far my lifestyle goes as snobby as that sounds (paid holidays at work, being able to visit my family at Christmas without a HUGE gigantic hassle, being financially secure, having my Master's so that I can get a professional business-like job, having a comfortable European style..or Ikea style home, being able to travel all over, etc, etc, etc)
My resolutions for 2009:
1. Chinese classes at a university!!!
2. New apartment with comfy furniture
3. Save up for my Master's
4. Research Master's programs and see if I am eligible
6. Be Tao
7. Try to take better care of myself physically...2008 was my year of feeling like a fat flop so 2009 will be the year that I don't let my weight or my age or stupid skinny ass Taiwanese people make me feel bad!!!
8. Did I mention Chinese?? IMPROVE my Chinese!!!
9. Yeah, more active...I want to buy a Wii and Wii fit!!!
Here are my Taichung PAWS 2009 resolutions:
1. Try to find a way to educate my students and other young learners in Taiwan about how to treat pets and street animals POSITIVELY.
2. When I get my new apartment, adopt a dog or foster a dog (I won't have time to adopt AND foster let alone the money since it is VITAL I get my Master's)
Still working on more of my Taichung PAWS resolutions...
As for Holland-I had a WONDERFUL time!! My parents even took me to Düsseldorf to a Christmas market and had the best time! Although, the fresh non-polluted air, the awesome public transportation and wonderful shopping (H&M, Lush, Sabon, Cool Cat/Wonder Woman, etc) of Holland made me wish for more and was a little disappointed when I got back to Taichung. But, I have good friends here and NEED to stay on track to get my Master's and become fluent in Chinese.
OK, I'm running late and need to shower. Hino and I are meeting friends for New Year's and I want to celebrate the rest of 2008 with good friends, decent food(I can't help it-Amsterdam has the BEST restaurants), and hopefully some champagne!! :)
Have a wonderful rest of 2008 and I hope you all have a prosperous and happy 2009!!!
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