When it comes to having a central nervous system, and the ability to feel pain, hunger, and thirst, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. ~Ingrid Newkirk
Since I was a kid, I have always had a sensitive heart. I hated seeing people get hurt(physically and emotionally) as well as animals. I was a meat-eater but there were many times where I wanted nothing more than to be a vegetarian. The only reason I couldn't was because no one else was and I was too young to support myself and that desire. Now I am old enough and Taiwan has turned me vegetarian.
Granted, I still eat eggs for protein (although I've started to buy free-range as I have seen images of the battery farms) and I still drink milk although I try to drink more almond and soy milk. I used to eat fish until I got food poisoning a few weeks ago and was in the hospital. I am not a vegan, but the thought of eating meat makes me sick.
What has converted me? Well, I want to know the truth and thanks to Facebook, I have seen many videos and images of things that have shown me the scary and disturbing truth about things such as slaughterhouses, the wool industry and animal testing on beauty products AND...the product that I don't understand why it needs animal testing: chocolate!! I refuse to eat M&M's or Snickers because the Mars Chocolate company tests on animals. Why do they need to test food products on animals?? UNLESS they use new chemicals for flavor and color. Well if they are adding more chemicals to my food then they can forget about me!
Another thing as I have mentioned before were the split duck heads and god knows what else at the markets here!

Antoher thing I just read up on today was about the wool industry. Here is a lnk:
This was my Facebook comment:
"There are so many lies in the agricultural industry :( Were the pioneers (whose farming was their life and their survival) this cruel to animals as well or have we, as a modern society, grown a frigid heart and amuse ourselves by such torture????
We know there is one cause to all this madness: MORE money!"
I was also reading about dissection:http://www.veganpeace.org/animal_cruelty/dissection.htm
This was my Facebook comment about dissection:
"Do we really need dissection in the classrooms? Our technology is advanced enough where we don't need helpless animals' corpses...in fact I'm sure we never did!
Ugh...the thought of it reminds me in Junior year physiology where we had to dissect a sheep's brain...WHY?? That didn't make me smarter or understand better a...nd I STILL got a D in the class because the teacher only gave A's to girls in skimpy clothes...Yet another thing that dissapoints me and makes me feel nauseous..."
Seeing the scary truth of it ALL makes me wonder if I really should bring a child into this world...will my child become a prey or a predator? This thought scares me...
My students are only 10-12 years-old and completely de-sensitized...They BEG to watch "Happy Tree Friends" and some kids get a kick out of the powerpoints that I show of people suffering. One of my students was happy to tell me with no thought of remorse that he and his dad saw a dog get hit by car somewhere and they didn't have time to help it. He said this with a smile on his face.
The students in Taiwan don't SEEM to be violent, yet they crave their online games. The movie channels here cut out swear words and SOME sex stuff, but they don't cut out the senseless violence? It just doesn't make sense?
Now as a liberal, I believe that video games and music aren't the cause of killings and shootings, but as a teacher I am seeing more and more that parents (and some teachers) are not educating the students enough on right and wrong. Nobody is teaching these kids that these songs and video games are just that and nothing more. The video game or the song IS NOT telling them to go do these things. They are either telling a story or for entertainment and that is it. But the kids aren't getting the education and it is causing a problem. We, as adults, need to teach them the difference between morally right and wrong! We need to show these kids that it is NOT OK to do these things...
How does this tie into animal cruelty? There have been articles that I have been reading about how most serial killers started out by violently torturing and killing animals. Now this is an extreme case, but it should be a red flag for us to watch our kids and teach them respect, not only for people, but for ALL of Earth's creatures. Whether it is true or not, we need to educate and enlighten again!
My goal is to not give up on these kids and teach them right from wrong. It worries me that my students BEG to see "Happy Tree Friends" (I used to watch it in uni but I was OLD ENOUGH to know that it is just a TV show and nothing more) and I will do what it takes to teach them that there are better things in life to see and experience!
"Teaching a child not to step on a caterpillar is as valuable to the child as it is to the caterpillar." ~Bradley Millar
Hey, I like to be secretive ;)
I read your last post a few times.
Of course you have a lot of bad animal treatmant in the world.And I really hate that they use animals for product testings like you said.But someone showed me a shop called Lush and I´m a regular now.:) And you are really don´t eat meat or fish anymore ? PS: I wish I had a teacher like you.
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Due to various region, territory or country cultural specific reasons, a game that looks perfectly problem-free in one place might be disregarded as unacceptable somewhere else. Such issues highlight why video game localization - unlike just straight translation - is necessary for video games.
But I've often been wondering: when does localization go so far that it becomes censorship? And to what degree should this sort of censorship be tolerated?
In order to illustrate my thoughts, I'll use the newest installment in the Yakuza series. Yakuza 3 - an imported Japanese PlayStation game - was recently released in the US. The game was heavily criticized by gamers who suspect the localizerd edited or removed significant game elements.
This gets me wondering: how much of the cut content was actually "inappropriate for American audiences" as in "cultural differences would prevent full understanding and therefore only serve to confuse the player and impede their progress", as opposed to "Americans are generally far more religious and uptight than Japanese people, so we can't show them this kind of nudity and/or violence"? I assume that someone purchasing the third installment in a game series would normally have a pretty good idea as to what kind of content they were getting into, especially with a series such as Yakuza, which is relatively well-known. The games even receive ratings similar to films, giving the consumer an even better idea of what the game in question contains.
Regardless as to what country this game is purchased in, by default (due to content) the player will generally be an adult - or at least old enough to understand that the game may contain some "naughty bits". Just look at the cover - this fact is not going to surprise anyone. So who are the publishers to decide even further who this game is for, and what parts they should be allowed to play?.
Video game translation is not censorship and should be adapted to players in a certain territory.
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