Sunday, April 27, 2008

Funny Things My Students Say and Do part 1:

This is a picture my student made for a small project: "I'm really scared of:" All the other kids copied my example...they drew ghosts, sharks, jellyfish and spiders as did this one but this kid went a step further to confess that he is indeed afraid of falling off Tapei 101...
(I think you can click it to see a bigger image)

Unfortunately as teachers, we don't have to time to record EVERY funny or hilarious thing our students say, do and write, but I have been trying. I haven't recorded any in a long time, but here are some of my favorites. You have to understand though....these kids write and talk about "poopoo" or kissing and killing. BUT...I would much rather them talk about something such as killing and joke about it and KNOW that it is wrong and NOT do it! My students are awesome and are ALL good kids and make me glad to be a teacher!

OK on with the crazy quotes and stories:

These are from my former upper level class that I taught. I left EVERY class laughing hysterically!

A question one of the boys thought of for an oral test:
"Do you prefer an emergency or a car accident?"

I in god's name do you answer such a question?! But it made me laugh so hard!

"If I don't do what Jim say he will hit me, so he is really pushy."

"I always count my fruits because everybody give me fruits"

"The evil scientist will kill everyone if no one catches him."

"Jim alway count his money because he is very cheap."

"Jonathan was counting mosquito which he had killed yesterday."

It is these gems that I find in the homework or hear in class that show that these kids are trying to be creative and express themselves...and make my job a lot more interesting! We know that kissing(actually all of my students seem to be pretty disgusted with the thought of kissing-haha!) or killing or even poopoo aren't the ONLY things they think about, but they just want to be funny and break the mold of the doldrum school life and I am fine with it as long as it doesn't go too far. They are learning and trying and as long as they have that and keep working hard then it's fine.

Maybe you don't agree, maybe you do, but it is how I feel.


Anyway, I did buy a new scooter! I love it! It is so liberating...although my fear of left turns will never seem to fade. Even when I drove a car I hated left turns and my scooter is no I try anything I can to avoid left turns if possible.

Boyfriend was in Osaka and Tokyo for the week on business and had to work on his birthday, but he got to do some sightseeing in Tokyo this weekend and I can't wait to see the pics! I am planning that if he ever goes back to Japan on business that I might tag along and do sightseeing while he is working and if he has time off do sightseeing with him...that'd be cool!!!

I've just been so busy and next weekend one of my friends is coming to visit me, but I am so nervous because I am not sure what will happen...I have an itinerary, but no back up itinerary.And I don't know my way around Taichung by scooter well enough so am not sure where else I can take her...:( I'm so nervous! I hope she has fun!!! And on Sunday I wanted to take a bus to Dakeng, but seeing as my Chinese is limited it is damn near impossible for me to find information and times!! Public transportation does suck in Taichung unfortunately :( I was so spoiled in Amsterdam: buses, trams, metros and the night bus system were wonderful!!!!! Taichung's MRT won't open till 2017 supposedly...*sigh* So at least I have a scooter now :)

but I did do some shopping yesterday and today I deep cleaned my apartment only to have shattered an unopened bottle of the homemade strawberry wine we bought in Dahu :*( I was so distraught as it was so yummy PLUS it got all over my floor!! Ok, I am going to go get some dinner and come back and start grading HW! VERY VERY busy week!!!

And the week after next week...LUDAU/GREEN ISLAND!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!! Thank god!!! My brain is fried! I love teaching so much BUT I need a vacation!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

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