Thursday, April 3, 2008

My 5 Year Plan

Last night, my mom and I were on the phone and the subject of me learning Mandarin came up. She always says that if I became fluent in Mandarin that I could really go places and find good jobs and couple probably make a lot of money.

Sometimes us kids think that is all our parents care about is that we are rich and successful and that they don't care about us. And when she first said that it kind of rubbed me the wrong way. I felt like she was saying "If you don't do this, then you will go nowhere. Maybe you are going nowhere now..." But then I put myself in her shoes.

She has had so MANY struggles to get where she is today and had many downs before many ups. My stepdad as well!!!! After my parents divorce, my mom and stepdad started from pretty much nothing and worked their asses off (not to mention suffer a few heart attacks) to get to where they are today: in a comfy home near Amsterdam and having the opportunity to travel, see the world, experience new things and etc. with the BEST dog in the world no less :)

So these comments that she makes are because she doesn't want me to miss out on the wonderful things that are waiting for me. She also just wants me to be happy and to be able to support myself and my (possible future) family if that ever happens. She wants that my future children won't have the aches and pains we have had with college tuition.

So I think when most parents say things like this, it may come out as being selfish, but maybe it really isn't. It is just concern for our happiness. They love us and my mom and stepdad are ALWAYS telling me how proud they are of me!! :)

Another thing she asked me was if I was sure that I wanted to stay in Taiwan. She said that after 6 months being here that I am still in the "Honeymoon" phase of living here. But I do disagree with that. Usually after 3 months is when expats in Taiwan go through "Culture Shock" and it seems a lot of expats here are miserable. But I'm not! Of course there are shitty things about Taiwan: the pollution, the stupid ass driving and traffic here, the fact I can't get an ATM/Debit/credit card without having someone I know who is Taiwanese sign some paperwork for it and etc, but there are bad things ANYWHERE you go!!! It is how you handle them that makes your experience good or bad.
It's the good things about Taiwan that make me realize it is a good place. The people, the cultures, the history, the temples, the festivals, the traveling(I mean I can travel to BEAUTIFUL places here in Taiwan or go to beaches like in Thailand or the Phillippines, go skiing in South Korea in the mountains, have an electric experience in Tokyo, see all kinds of awesome nature and animals ANYWHERE!)

I think I would LOVE to live here and then just travel everywhere else whether for business and/or pleasure! I mean I don't know if I will be here forever, but hey if it works, it works!

Another topic we talked about was me getting my Masters here. I am seriously considering it and my mom also mentioned that I devise a professional 5 year plan. I've never done one before but know that it is a good idea as most employers will ask you that dreaded question at job interviews "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?"

So I am not sure if this is how you do it, but here is my first draft of my 5 Year Plan:

My 5 Year Plan

6 Months

  1. Higher level in Chinese speaking and writing proficiency
  2. Continuing to work hard at my current job
  3. Researching Universities in Taiwan for Masters Programs in English
  4. Saving money for said Masters Program
  5. Stay in Taiwan

1 Year

  1. Higher level in Chinese speaking and writing proficiency
  2. Close to that 2 year experience point at current job
  3. Continuing University research
  4. Continuing saving money
  5. Stay in Taiwan

2 Years

  1. Higher level in Chinese speaking and writing proficiency
  2. Applying at Universities for Masters Programs
  3. Continue to save money for Masters Program
  4. Stay in Taiwan

3 Years

  1. Higher level in Chinese speaking and writing proficiency
  2. Masters Program
  3. Job hunting for after graduation
  4. Stay in Taiwan
  5. If no Masters Program yet, then possibly DELTA certificate first

4 Years

  1. Higher level in Chinese speaking and writing proficiency
  2. Masters Program
  3. Job hunting for after graduation
  4. Stay in Taiwan

5 Years

  1. Continue to become fluent in Mandarin Chinese
  2. Masters Program (if 2-3 year) or hopefully graduated from
  3. Working at a good company making good money so that my (possible) family and I can be financially secure, and if I have a child, have enough money to put away for college.
  4. Stay in Taiwan