Monday, October 6, 2008

The Puppy Update:

Some good news on the puppy!

One of the volunteers is fostering the puppy temporarily until we can either find another foster home or better yet, a permanent LOVING home!

The puppy will not be called Toetje because it is too hard to pronounce (will have to save that when I can actually HAVE a dog) but my volunteer friend will think of a good English name for him!

So she took him to the vet and he has had so far:
A de-heartworming pill
a drop on his back of the anti-tick and flea stuff
medicine because he does have a slight skin condition-When I held him though I didn't really notice it so it doesn't seem to be serious.
and something else but I can't remember

He will be getting his vaccinations soon!

I have decided to foot the bill for the puppy because I feel it is my need. I want to keep that puppy and since I am not allowed and my schedule won't allow it either, I want to do what I can to give this puppy a chance to have a loving home!! A loving family to cuddle with just like Bogart!!

Obviously, I am an English teacher in Taiwan so I am absolutely NOT rolling in dough, but in my eyes, this puppy is worth it! If I were a millionaire, I'd probably adopt so many doggies!!!! :)

As for his age: he is about 3 and a half months old! He is playful and shows his love!

As for me, I need to do more research on helping this lil guy get adopted ASAP!

Laundry is calling me and so is my vanilla tea. I have such a headache. I have also dedicated myself to an hour of studying Chinese every night so that I won't be the stupid one in class anymore! I honestly have no confidence in anything right now.


Anonymous said...

Great. Good work keep up the good work.