Sunday, July 27, 2008

Dog Day of Summer

Today, I helped some of the other volunteers take care of a shelter in Tsaotun. It was sooo HOT out and sweat was literally dripping off of me. My eyes kept stinging from it, but it was so worth it!

The doggies there were so sweet there were two that I almost took home (almost being the key word because my landlord would NOT be happy with me, PLUS I have nowhere for them) :( But they were so sweet and so lovey! One of them was so lovey, I lovingly called him "Attention Whore" but he was sooooo sweet!

So we cut the grass...literally-with shears and something else! But, man, it was a good workout! We also scooped the poop (of's a dog shelter...what do you expect??), wet the floors, did a scrub on the floors, refreshed the water, etc, etc. It was good...I can't wait to go back next month! Especially see those doggies again!

I will post pics once the typhoon blows over(tomorrow-no work tomorrow again thanks to these typhoons. I took a disposable camera that I had leftover and next time will be taking my digital.

OK, want to go relax. I'm sooooo tired!!

BTW, I'm really lucky and grateful. There are people..and puppies who have it a LOT worse! I hope someday I can help those... people and puppies :) I want a doggie so bad :(

Saturday, July 26, 2008

some Things I'm Grateful For:

I've been depressed and angry for the past week or two. Angry at the world, angry at my relationship, angry at my lack of social life, but most of all...angry at myself. Ironically, I am not angry at my job helps me forget all those stresses-haha!

But a couple hours ago, I realized that I'm doing it again! I am feeling sorry for myself and that is so pathetic!

So I decided to put it all aside and be grateful for what I have. No matter what happens to my relationship or social life, I have many other things to be grateful for.

So with a small glass of sparkling rosé, I decided to type out the things that I am grateful for!

1. I am earning my own way
2. I have my family!
3. I have my health!
4. I have my own apartment
5. I am alive!

I mean this doesn't seem much but's a LOT!

Right now, I am still sorting myself out. I have been sorting myself out for years now, but I don't think it is still fully finished. Well, it is never really finished nor will be, but I need to achieve a phase in my life where I can be...OK..

I don't think I am making any sense...haha!

Well...that is all I am going to type. I just want to relax and not think.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

"I'm Voting Republican"

Which reminds me...I need to fill out my absentee ballot info and send it off soon!

I also need to start getting caught up again on the polls and data...

As for my personal life..ehhhh I still feel like I'm in a small rut, but just need time and patience to get it all worked out...Am reading "Eat Pray Love" by Elizabeth Gilber to get some perspective...

"Hold fast to your dreams. Never allow the enemy of self-doubt to destroy them." -Taro Gold

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Women Like Us-My Second Blog

I started this blog because lately, I am feeling major pressure. Not necessarily from work, but from other pressures. The pressures to get married, have children, exercise, lose weight, take better care of myself, figure out my relationships (friend and love), figure out my future career, getting older, gravity taking it's toll on my boobs, cellulite, beauty, INDEPENDENCE(a big issue for me, presonally) etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc...

I feel alone. I have cut off contact with everyone so I have no friends anymore which is completely and UTTERLY my fault! So, I have no one to talk to about these pressures which make me feel worse and worse.

Although, I am starting to make friends...well..trying that is!

But I realize...I am NOT alone! I talk to my colleagues that have at least one or two of these pressures! And I know there are more women like us!

I just wanted to post things that I find that seem to help my confidence and will help others.

My background is chocolate because even though it's a stereotype that ALL women love chocolate, I just thought it fit. Like chocolate, women can be sweet or bitter or both at the same time. We can be hard but some might easily melt into a soft liquidy goo when the heat is on. We are different flavors: Chocolate with mint(fresh), chocolate with almond(nutty), chocolate with lavender (calming) and maybe even chocolate with chili (spicy/exotic). We are seductive and loving and smooth to the touch. We come in different shapes just like chocolate bars, chocolate cake or a chocolate orange. We come in different colors, labels and regions but our origin is the same.

Since I am still eating lunch and need to leave early to go get gas and go to work, the blog isn't fully finished. It does have one post though about foods that fight wrinkles...I saw it today and seemed good because I have been trying to eat more of those foods...

Well, I need to go...I am seriously craving some dark chocolate now!! Too bad i can't find any organic or Fair Trade chocolate here :(

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Kenting: Pics & Vids

Here are the best pics and vids from Kenting...snorkeling photos not here because they weren't as good this time :( :

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Birthday Blues

Yesterday, I was reeeeaaally depressed about my birthday. I have been stressing ALL week because I bought contacts this weekend and can't get them in my eyes! Now I KNOW I can do it, but it is going to take a LOT of time.

But yesterday, I was so pissed that I didn't even try...after exercising I hid back in bed and was close to tears that I am going to be 28 and can't even put contacts in.

Sounds silly, doesn't it? Well...part of the silliness is due to the monthly visit of "Aunt Flow" Thanks to "Aunt Flow", my mood changes are EVEN worse than normal, I cry over the stupidest things, I have a very short temper and patience, bad cramps and backaches and my hatred for men and people seems to get worse, etc etc etc etc. It's like the "Incredible Hulk" or "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"

So on top of the contacts debacle, I started thinking so negatively. "28...2 years to 30...I'm going to be 28. All my classmates and friends back in the U.S. were married and with jobs by 24 and have kids now. What have I done?!? Nothing!" Also the thoughts fat, old, ugly and uncool haven't left my head for weeks and I'm tired of feeling fat, old, ugly and uncool!!!!!!!

But today I am going to set myself straight! I am going to stop being negative and feel sorry for myself and to be honest, I have achieved some things!!

For example, I learned Spanish, Dutch and German. Yeah I might not be able to speak them well anymore, but since I have already learned them, RE-learning will be easy if I ever decide to!

I am learning one of the hardest languages in the world: Mandarin Chinese. Granted, it is taking me longer to learn than it did Dutch and German, but hey! I'm loving it! I want to be fluent! How many of my friends back home has tried to tackle Chinese? Not many I'm sure!!!

My time in Amsterdam wasn't really wasted. Not only did I help my mom and stepdad out, but I also got a TINY bit of experience. The women at the non-prof that I worked for in 2005 took me under their wing and taught me everything about being a professional woman in the business world! I learned how to network, give professional presentations and deal with clients. My only regret is not staying with them longer!!!!

I also got some great PR/Marketing?Selling experience at the Australian Bar.

What have I accomplished in Taiwan??

Well, I finally learned how to be independent. I have a job, an apartment that I pay for MYSELF, I budget my money, I travelled to Green Island by myself, I am doing some traveling like I said I would and even though I don't have a Masters yet, I am going to work hard to achieve that goal and am already starting by looking up schools.

As far as marriage and kids go...sometimes I feel the pressure about getting married. I see the couples by the Art Museum getting their pictures taken...the Taiwanese brides in adorable pink wedding dresses and the Taiwanese men looking so smooth and cool... and I think that it will never happen for me. My Chinese teacher even told me that I'm "unlucky with men" which doesn't help me get rid of my theory of never getting married.

BUT...I'm not ready for it yet. There is so much I have to do before I even consider marriage!

And Boyfriend...he's not ready either. He has a LOT he has to do as well... He has to sort his life out, just like I am still trying to do with mine. So, it's OK.

It's better for us to take our time and not rush. There are so many people(women) who rush into getting married because of 1. the PRESSURES: age, peers, family, cultural norm and 3. We get too excited thinking about our dream wedding!

And once they do get falls apart. I don't want that...I want a stable marriage..well... as stable as it can get-haha!

Anyway, that is depressing me again and that is NOT the point of this blog! The point of this blog is to say that I'm fine! So I am going to put on dance music (TMF Radio on iTunes-I miss Dutch dance music radio stations), get on that step machine and pump some endorphins in my blood so I can stop being a whining depressed baby!!!

At least I am getting away for my birthday! Kenting with will be so much fun!! With or without contacts in my eyes :)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

高美溼地 Gao Mei Wetlands Images :)

Finally!! Here they are, but in reverse order(sorry!)! Enjoy :)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

My Exercise Update:

So after I wrote this past blog entry about Doctors in Taiwan, I got a call from one of the volunteers at Taichung PAWS and she told me that she had all sorts of health problems when she came here to Taiwan, but when she started going to the gym, she felt good and healthy again....

Ding Ding Ding!!

That was the bell going off in my head that finally motivated me to start exercising. Unfortunately(or Fortunately, depending on how you look at it), I knew it would take something like a trip to the doctor and talking to someone I could relate to that would get me motivated to actually START exercising. It's not that Boyfriend meant any harm, but his approach was just not helpful enough.

And although it is NEVER too late to start exercising, I fear that it is too late for Kenting as I just started exercising yesterday and I'm going to Kenting(beaches which = bikini) next Friday. So I will just have stay mentally confident despite my wobbly thighs and flabby arms. At least my stomach is flat and looking good :)

But...I will also be 28 next Friday and I want to be skinny and feel good and healthy since I am two years close to 30.....AAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I need to enjoy the rest of my 20's!!

So...I did 530 steps Tuesday on my cute lil step machine. Yesterday I did 730 and today I just did 1,000. Tomorrow might not be as many because I have Chinese class in the morning. And Saturday I plan on either going swimming at the pool or helping Boyfriend clean one of the houses his family is renting out... so somehow I will get a variety of exercise!

The good thing is, I feel good!! Yesterday, I felt great! 7/11 even had some fruit so for my lunch I had some apple slices, cherry tomatoes, grapes and papaya slices :) Yum!! At least 7/11 in Taiwan has pretty fresh food...for the most part :) I might also go to the Xiang Xang (Shyong Shong) market and get some fruit from a local vendor.

Well, I am off to the "Naked Cafe" to get my organic salad (well they "claim" it's organic-I really hope it is) and my yummy Chicken Focaccia sandwich to last me until I can get some fruit before I have to start teaching :)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Doctors in Taiwan...


In my neighborhood alone, I have 3 dentists, 1 gynecologist/OBGYN, 2-3 general medicine clinics, 1 dermatologist (right next to my apartment building, I might add) and these are only the ones within walking distance!!

Health, medicine and insurance are quite different than from Holland, Germany and the U.S. You can buy birth control over the counter (and cheap!) A package of birth control pills would normally cost me US$30(NT$910, €19) each packet each month...Here you can buy one package(over the counter i.e. NO prescription) for NT$160 or US$5.30 (€3,30)!!!

Also when you have your insurance card, you can step in almost any clinic, pay about NT$100-NT$150(US$5/€3) and get 3 days worth of medicine. But they don't put them in the containers we are used to. They put them in little bags connected so you know which ones to take and when(most of the time)...Which makes it seem like you have a black hole of medicine...never ending!

And even though I mentioned this in a previous post, I will mention it again...I had a benign (harmless) tumor on my back for years and never had the health insurance or money to get rid of it. Once I came here, I went to the hospital and they lopped it off for me (OK OK they didn't just "lop it off") for only NT$300!! I was only in the operating room for about 20-30 minutes!! Now I just have a teensy weensy scar there and couldn't be happier!!

So, you are probably asking, "So what's your point? Why are you writing about this?"

I will get to that point.

Well, OK...I don't really have a point per sé...just a story. I went to a clinic by my house on Saturday because I have been sick with a cold and have been panicking that I might be spreading that Enterovirus(harmless to adults, but fatal to children) to my students. I've had a tiny bit of diarrhea (which I'm sure you LOVE hearing about that!! ;) ) the other good thing about doctors in Taiwan is that they can speak English although they understand mostly medical English.

When I went in to see the doctor, he asked me about me and when I told him about how many languages I could speak, he started singing in German (which kind of sounded like a nazi propaganda song from WWII which made me laugh and disgusted at the same time...I'll explain why later) So I told him what was wrong (cold, stuffy nose, sore throat, diarrhea, etc.) and he told me to stay away from air conditioning (HA!!! That's almost impossible considering Summer in Taiwan is the friggin HOTTEST!!!!!), to drink Super Supau (A sports drink) and...

"More exercise and sunshine"


"kyang" ( a noise Taiwanese make when something funny, embarrassing or ironic this case it was all three for me)

Boyfriend has been getting on my case about "more exercise" and there are times where we have had flat out arguments(and times where I told him to piss off) because I always feel like he thinks I'm too fat even though he INSISTS that is NOT the case(Although, his mother thinks I'm too fat and too short-how hypocritical and cruel is that?!?)...'s a sign...and Boyfriend and Mr. Doctor are completely and totally right...I really DO need more exercise!! It's not about how fat I might be or might not's about being healthy, raising my confidence and being...ACTIVE!!! I've been INactive for so long that I keep putting off being active for fear of...fear itself I guess...

Anyways, Doctor gave me a shot for my 3-4 month old cough. In all honesty though, I think the pollution here is a big part of my breathing problems even though Mr. doctor insists on the exercise and sunshine and the *gasp* avoidance of air conditioners.

So yesterday, I was feeling really loopy while teaching because of my medicine. I didn't feel like myself...I felt drugged even though it had been HOURS since I took the medicine. It was so embarrassing and I was praying that I wasn't freaking my students out. But it went away thank god, but then after I ate I had the stomach cramps again...I just can't win when it comes to health here.

Also, my urine is the color of orange kool-aid thanks to that medicine which makes me NEVER want to drink orange soda again :(

Another issue is when diarrhea is involved, how do you give your doctor the "Poop Report" without grossing him out or sounding utterly silly?? I found myself laughing while I was giving him my "Poop Report" although he was clearly NOT amused! haha!

The thing is, I'm not really that sick, but ever since I came to Taiwan, I am not very healthy..or maybe I wasn't very healthy to begin with (due to my INactivity the past couple years) and now going to the doctors is showing it...

Oh yeah and Mr. Doctor is injection happy!! He gave me yet ANOTHER shot today on my arm for the diarrhea! I have had three injections in the past week...the first one was to take blood for my residence renewal(health check-up), the other one was from Mr. Doctor for my disgusting Grandma hacking cough and today for my diarrhea...I'm afraid to go next time because of what other shot he is going to give me!!! (But, the injection for my cough has been working so I shouldn't complain).

On another note, two weekends ago, Boyfriend and I went to Gao Me Shi Di高美溼地 a.k.a the Gao Mei Wetlands in Cingshuei (Taichung County). Boyfriend has yet to send me the awesome pics we took of the wetlands and of the sunset, so here is a beautiful pic from someone else of how they look:
It was so much fun!! Boyfriend and I splashed in the water and mud and watched people having mud fights! We also rented a small toy bucket and shovel and searched for baby tiny crabs and put them in the bucket. Boyfriend hunted for the crabs and I went seashell hunting to decorate my apartment with!

It was so relaxing, fund and beautiful and the sunset was great!!!!! Then, we walked back and Boyfriend was so happy to have his grilled squid on a stick and I got to have authentic Taiwanese shaved ice with cream, red beans and pineapple!!!! YUM!!! I prefer Taiwanese shaved ice over Coldstone Creamery any day!!

So after that fun time in the water, Boyfriend and I finally booked Kenting!!! We are going to Kenting next weekend for my birthday :) I so happy!!! I don't care what happens as long as we have fun and my diarrhea goes away by then-haha! No, really, I'm serious.

I'll write again soon!