I have applied at two schools so far. I've had two telephone interviews. One school will only hire me once I pass the CELTA, but has now told me to just contact them after I've passed the CELTA and they will see if they even have any job opportunities. That was my fault because I am not ready to accept the offer, especially if I might not pass the CELTA (I know, I know, I NEED to be positive but I am preparing myself just in case). I just want job security and to have a job by the time the class is over.
I need a regular income even if it is small. Small income is better than no income.
I'm still waiting to hear from the other school...I hear bad things about these schools (well nothing bad really from the first school), but I also hear good things about these schools. No matter where you go in life there are going to be good and bad aspects in a job, a school, a person, a car, etc etc etc. You just have to take the bad with the good and turn it into a positive and [positive] learning experience.
The school I am waiting for now has summer camps to Singapore...!!! How many of my friends back home can say that they had an opportunity to work at a summer camp in Singapore! That's not the only thing, but that was one of the things that caught my eye.
I have also decided that willing for something to happen does work. The expression "Be careful what you wish for" is true!
For example, I have my own study place at the top floor of our house and the view that I used to have was one of the bookshelves covered with books. It was a little bit of a distraction and there were times where I just wished it wasn't there...well, a few days ago my family and I were all the way downstairs when we heard a big BOOM...We went upstairs to find that that particular shelf fell and strew books all over my study desk and floor.
What's weird is that my little "portable" Zen Garden" and my little Buddhas were NOT even touched and they should have been strewn all over the floor like the rest of the books and materials that were in the way of the fallen shelf...
So now, I have a bare white wall where a shelf would have once been just as I had wished so that I can put my motivational pictures up of Buddhist monks putting gold leaf on a Buddha statue's hands, pictures of Taipei city at night, good luck cat, and anything else to motivate me to get my act together and get to Asia and Taiwan!! As well as to study!
So that's it for today. There is absolutely nothing new going on in my life...if anything a decrease. That is why I am looking over the plateau...I hope things get better and I can start climbing the mountain again...
Here's my quote for the day:
“Every bend in the road brings me new ideas; every dawn gives me fresh feelings.”
- Matsuo BashÅ
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