Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Reflection of 2008 Resolutions & a Look into 2009

Weihnachtsmarkt Düsseldorf

Bogart in Düsseldorf

Bogart believes :)

My 2008 Resolutions:
1. Be a better person
2. Work hard and study hard. but don't over do it. Relax!
3. Keep improving yourself at your job
4. Help others in need
5. Listen to others and care
6. Strive for independence!
7. Make this a positive experience!
8. Settle down
9. Stop talking about yourself so damn much!
10. Study your English grammar
11. Laughter truly is the best medicine! Remember that!
12. Learn authentic Chinese/Taiwanese cooking!
13. Be more active!
14. Don't fall into the trap like Germany

The breakdown:
1. ALWAYS working on that one
2. Trying, but hasn't been working recently...
3. Actually, yes I have
4. Well, I'm trying but not succeeding
5. See number 4
6. Always
7. Trying to, but am getting frustrated with the pollution, traffic, lack of awesome restaurants, lack of reliable public transportation, good music, and most of all frustrated with my Chinese
8. Am going to get a new apartment after my lease is up...and will get a kitchen AND a dog!!! And hoping to get a flat screen TV soon
9. Uhh..yeahh..trying but you have to talk about yourself a little bit in a blog...
10. Yep, and since Hino is studying English that has been a challenge for me to be able to explain difficult grammar questions to adults learning English
11. Always!
12. Ok...didnt succeed in 2008, but Hino's mom invited me over for Chinese New Year and wants me to cook Western food and I hope at the same time I can watch her cook Taiwanese/Hakka/Chinese food!
13. I was exercising from July to August every day but then got the new class and haven't had time at all...
14. This is my biggest fear. I had a nightmare about it when I was in Holland. I can't make that same mistake again!!!



2009 is going to be a bit of a selfish year for me. I have fallen behind on many of my goals and need to get back on track if I want to succeed!! I need something better as far my lifestyle goes as snobby as that sounds (paid holidays at work, being able to visit my family at Christmas without a HUGE gigantic hassle, being financially secure, having my Master's so that I can get a professional business-like job, having a comfortable European style..or Ikea style home, being able to travel all over, etc, etc, etc)

My resolutions for 2009:
1. Chinese classes at a university!!!
2. New apartment with comfy furniture
3. Save up for my Master's
4. Research Master's programs and see if I am eligible
6. Be Tao
7. Try to take better care of myself physically...2008 was my year of feeling like a fat flop so 2009 will be the year that I don't let my weight or my age or stupid skinny ass Taiwanese people make me feel bad!!!
8. Did I mention Chinese?? IMPROVE my Chinese!!!
9. Yeah, more active...I want to buy a Wii and Wii fit!!!

Here are my Taichung PAWS 2009 resolutions:
1. Try to find a way to educate my students and other young learners in Taiwan about how to treat pets and street animals POSITIVELY.
2. When I get my new apartment, adopt a dog or foster a dog (I won't have time to adopt AND foster let alone the money since it is VITAL I get my Master's)
Still working on more of my Taichung PAWS resolutions...

As for Holland-I had a WONDERFUL time!! My parents even took me to Düsseldorf to a Christmas market and had the best time! Although, the fresh non-polluted air, the awesome public transportation and wonderful shopping (H&M, Lush, Sabon, Cool Cat/Wonder Woman, etc) of Holland made me wish for more and was a little disappointed when I got back to Taichung. But, I have good friends here and NEED to stay on track to get my Master's and become fluent in Chinese.

OK, I'm running late and need to shower. Hino and I are meeting friends for New Year's and I want to celebrate the rest of 2008 with good friends, decent food(I can't help it-Amsterdam has the BEST restaurants), and hopefully some champagne!! :)

Have a wonderful rest of 2008 and I hope you all have a prosperous and happy 2009!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My Letter to Toby

Dear Toby,

Thank you for coming into my life. I wish I could have kept you and taken care of you myself and I'm sorry.

You have taught me many things these past couple of months. You have taught me how to better take care of dogs, how to better educate people on adopting and that even though there are people who may not care..there are always a couple out there who are genuine friends and help.I have also met so many wonderful people because of you. This has motivated me to save my money to get an apartment that allows dogs, so that I will finally be able to truly help.

I wanted nothing more these past few months for you to have a loving home with a great family, just like Bogart. You remind me so much of him and it broke my heart to pieces to see you in the shelter cage, cold and alone.

I am so happy that you are going to Canada along with Stella, Lucy, Dai Dai and Xiao Hua. I wish you all the best and I know you will be a star there! :)

Lots of huggies

These are pictures from the dog adoption park last Sunday. These are Toby's friends and... competition

How could Toby compete with cuddly sleeping puppies?!?!

Cesar Millan says to put a doggie backpack on the dog and it makes him feel useful so when he is walking it will make him tired out more and calm-submissive which is what we want our dogs to be.


This dog was in a car accident and has been to the dog park every Sunday. This time we saw him mobile in his wheelchair which made me feel better! The lady brings her every Sunday...What a good heart she has!

I think this is a purebred Formosan (Taiwan Tugou). I think these dogs are beautiful but the Taiwanese don't think they are special and dipsose of them as easily as yesterday's trash :(

Toby nuzzling with a young Lucy look-alike

I like dogs, but have a vendetta agianst these brown fuzzballs...Why the Taiwanese buy these ugly ass pet shop things is beyond me...

This is just wrong on so many levels....dogs need exercise and to walk!

But I have to confess...I LOVED this lil hip-hop wannabe..soo cute! :)

Toby is so good wit da kids!

More signs of dogs needing a home

An elderly Dutchman found this dog and brought him here... whoever had this guy was so cruel for making this beautiful creature so ugly and aggressive :(

More of Toby's competition: adorable puppies in kimonos and soccer tees...There is one puppy who looks like a puppy version of Star(from Tsaotun shelter) and I would have loved to have her!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

No Hope for Toby in Taiwan

Tommy: Trent and Tania's golden...Gentle Giant :)

"Dr. Dog" She is so nice!!

The goods table

Caroline, Douglas and da Tobster

Me and da Hino...NO I'm NOT drunk...just showin off my Taichung PAWS tattoo ;)

Yesterday, Taichung PAWS had an event at the Second-hand store on 150 Min Sheng Rd. We had a woman there, "Dr. Dog" as she is called, to come in and give a little lesson to the people on how to train their dogs. We also sold some Taichung PAWS T-shirts and I even tried to sell scooter masks with the Taichung PAWS logo that I made :)

I love when we do events like this!

Then today, we took Toby to the dog park again to try to get him adopted and once again NO LUCK!!!

One Taiwanese guy even told us that basically noone wants a dog like Toby because you can find dogs like him EVERYWHERE here! :(

Hino says that is the attitude of the Taiwanese. They want something different. But what I don't understand is how in god's name buying those pet shop brown poodles that EVERYONE has is different?!?! I say this because literally everyone and their mother here has one of those ugly ass brown poodles. I think I saw about 15-20 of those dogs at the park and I kid you not.

Toby is a wonderful dog! Although he is in his chewing phase, I have discovered that he is amazing with kids!! Whenever a baby or a kid comes up to him to pet him he just sits there and lets them. some dogs HATE children petting them and won't allow it, but Toby is so laid-back.

Toby also seems to be GREAT with other dogs!! When I dogsat for Caroline on 10/10 weekend, Honey(Caroline's dog) was just getting used to having another dog in the house and she was getting annoyed with him, but whenever Hino and I come over to pick Toby up to go to the dog park, it shows that Toby has even grown on her. They get along so well!

And even at the dog park when I walk him around. He just smells the other dogs and wants to play and just sniffs their butts as if he were just passing by to say hello! He's really social and I have yet to see him growl at another dog yet. But of course...I only see him on Sundays, but usually with a dog, what you see is what you get.


I need to get him out of Taiwan and into a LOVING home abroad. I KNOW if he were to go abroad, someone would pick him up and give him a good home and family!

If any of you are reading this and want to adopt Toby, please contact me ASAP! If you are in Taiwan and flying to Toronto soon, you can also contact me ASAP if you are interested in flying Toby abroad. The people at Taichung PAWS(as well as the people at TUAPA and other organizations here) do it all the time so they know what to do.

I need to get him out of here and into a loving PERMANENT home! I want nothing more than for this lil guy to be homed.

Thank you!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Another Weekend to the Dogs...

...literally and in a good way :)

Although...I will express my frustration later:

So last night, we went over to a couple's house, Trent and Tania(hope I'm spelling that right) who are fostering Lucy till she goes to Canada. Lucy is an older dog who was at Tsaotun. Caroline named her after her first dog and is a very sweet dog! It was so sad to see her tied up at the shelter so we have decided to try to get as many of the Tsaotun dogs out as we can!

Trent and Tania had a small gathering at their house and made dinner!! It was soooo good! Trent is Taiwanese and Tania is Indonesian and they made the best food!!! Coconut Rice(I NEED the recipe!!), some type of soupy oyster curry pork dish and god it was soooo good! Pepper Chicken, a tofu dish and and egg and onion dish for the vegetarians there and beer!! :) They also have a dog, a GIANT of a Golden Retriever with an equally giant heart, Tommy!

So it was a small gathering of us, Tommy, Lucy and Beauty, who is Layna's (another volunteer who was there with me when Toby wandered in the Tsaotun shelter) Tugou(a Tugou is a Taiwanese dog with beautiful black shiny fur-I want one!)

I miss going to small house parties and this one was just so cozy and nice! We all talked and chatted and drank wine and beer and Taiwan high mountain green tea!!

Lucy was sooo happy and content and tears almost came out because I was so happy to see her happy and in a loving home, even if it is just temporary! Trent and Tania are so nice and hilarious and it was so good to FINALLY be in good company! I will ask Caroline to send me the pics of Lucy to put on here, because she looked so good and her fur was so soft and shiny!

So then, since it was Layna's birthday(she's the baby of us, 22), she invited us to the Lion King to go drink and celebrate her birthday. Now I said I would NEVER go to the Lion King, because the Lion King in Taichung is a club and they play hip-hop music and I'm spoiled because I only really like the clubs in Amsterdam. But...after a drink I was on the dance floor shaking my ass!! Even Hino, the man who doesn't drink or who has never been to a club before danced with me! It was a blast! It was what I needed!

And today, I woke up and Hino went with me to the dog park so that Toby could get adopted. I asked him to go because even though I want to bother him since he is dedicated to studying his English and he's on a schedule, My Chinese is shit (I know it's my fault for not studying hard enough) and people ask me all these questions about Toby and I don't know a damn thing they are saying and they leave and then I missed a possible GREAT opportunity for Toby to be adopted!!

It's so frustrating and today I literally cried in the middle of the dog park event. People just walk by and read the sign I put up about him, they pet him and then walk away. The Taiwanese are so damn picky about what they want!! One old man said he wants a really tiny dog and that's what everyone wants.

I had a discussion with an English man yesterday while i was walking Dai Dai. He said it's appalling that the Taiwanese seem to choose dogs that look like fashion accessories and treat them so. They put them in a cute doggie designer bag and never let them play or do anything..their job is to be quiet and look cute :(

Toby is a wonderful dog! He is such a sweetheart and loves to play which means he's not some "Barbie Doll" He's such a happy puppy and seems to have been so good with kids from what I've seen at the dog park! He lets them pet him!

The reason why I cried was because I feel like I'm doing everything wrong and no one wants him! Then Hino and I started arguing and I hadn't eaten lunch so I was grumpy from that as well and was so angry that people won't give this dog the chance he deserves!!!!!! So then tears started to come out. It was so embarrassing and I felt like a fool and was trying to hide it. Hino and I made up of course and he was so good for helping me with this.

I really wish that I could do it myself, but my Chinese sucks. I need to start practicing it more.

As for Toby, no luck yet. I love him so much and hate that he (and I) are a burden to Caroline for him staying there. I'm so grateful to have the Taichung PAWS volunteers for my friends. I finally have met people with something in common!

I hope to have Lucy's pics soon! I really want to show how happy and content she is!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Another Angry Rant:

Hopefully these will stop soon, but I am in a serious funk and am having a struggle getting out of it.

It's Friday night and I have to teach in the morning and I can't sleep..yet again. I refuse to let myself clear my mind and am aggravated by the tiniest of things.

Right now the only thought on my mind is that I am sick of being called "Fat teacher"

The students don't know any better, it is just that Taiwanese are direct and saying things like that isn't rude supposedly. Apparently, people here are emotionally stronger than I am...or they hide it VERY well.

The things is and I have mentioned this many times...I am NOT fat...Yeah my hips are bigger and my butt is well..."bootylicious" as I have been calling it to make myself feel better about eating the chocolate that I usually eat to make myself feel better. And my cellulite needs to disappear, and my flabby arms, and my chubby least my stomach has gone down!! But this hasn't helped the self esteem I have been trying to raise...

And don't you DARE start on the exercise more crap!!! I have my excuses as to why I'm putting it off and I'm sticking to them!

Actually it goes a lot deeper than this and there is a lot more to it, but right now it's none of your business.

On top of things, I am at a block on how to get Toby adopted...I am doing a crappy job of it and my Chinese is apparently shit and it's frustrating me to no end.

I've been complaining a LOT lately...about the way people drive here (which has brought back my severe road rage), the way people abuse animals and children and other people just turn the other god damn cheek, the fashion here is atrocious, the chicken feet, split ducks heads and pig hearts have made me SERIOUSLY consider vegetarianism, and have been trying (and failing) to convert, The incessant dirty looks Hino and I get because I'm Western and he's Taiwanese which is rare (But YET it is socially OK for a Western guy to be with a Taiwanese girl?? WTF is the difference?!?!)

My mom asks me, "So why are you here?"

And here is why:

  • I have a chance to learn an amazingly difficult but rewarding and amazing language!
  • I have a chance to go to a decent uni to get my masters and still afford it possibly!!!
  • The people are nicer depsite the exceptions above and many have been so kind to me!
  • I can't help it...Taiwanese men are sexy! Wang Lee Hom, Pan Wei Bo, Chien Min Wang(Pitcher for Yankees)..and HINO of course :)
  • Taiwanese kids are so sweet and sooo smart despite some exceptions calling me "Fat Teacher"
  • I love traveling here and being able to travel to beautiful islands and places like Thailand!
  • I finally am able to have a job and my own apartment and still be able to afford getting my haircut and colored at Aveda(which can be pricey)
  • The clothes shopping can be good too although the quality is lower and I'm a quality girl
  • I celebrate Christmas AND Chinese New Year which are two big holidays :)
  • The temples!! Especially Guanyin temples!
  • The snorkeling places in and out of Taiwan
  • So much more

So basically, there is more to it than that, but no matter where you go there is good and bad. I really am happy here, despite my recent rut and permanent bad mood, but hopefully things will change for the better and I need to start changing my attitude and stop being so god damn emotional!

Tomorrow is another change to start on my makeover. I need one. I feel like a cow and look like one. Step 1 is turn negatives to positives. Step 2 is hair cut and color...A nice reddish brown like Kate Walsh on Grey's Anatomy

The rest of the steps are something I am still trying to organize...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Test of Strength in Thailand...

...And I passed!

Here is the blog about my trip to Thailand:

Day 1

Arrived in Krabi with no problem except that I arrived when it was raining. That worried me a bit. My private drivers picked me up from Krabi airport and took me to the hotel. I hired private drivers because I was traveling alone and wanted to be safe and secure. I got to the hotel...Pavilion Queen's Bay....Wow!!! Here is a link:

I loved it!!!! I was in heaven! So then after I got my room and stuff, I took a tuk tuk down to Ao Nang Beach where there is some food and shopping. I'm getting better at haggling...I asked the tuk tuk guys how much and they said 40 baht...I looked at them and said but the hotel people said 20 baht(which they did) and they laughed!! So I talked them down to 30 baht...

Another haggling tactic I had and which is one I do when I always go shopping because I'm so damn indecisive is this: I pick soemthing that I want and the shopkeeper gives me a price...then I sit there (yes, I do do this in real life when no haggling is involved) and groan and gimace and say how expensive it is and I can't afford and I stand there FOREVER thinking and/or pretending to think and trying to decide to get it...the shopkeepers get so annoyed that they keep bringing the price down!! Although...I really think they were really OVERCHARGING me...Everybody says you can stuff in Thailand for CHEAP...even the Taiwanese! But everything I bought seemed to be about the same as in a nightmarket in Taiwan so I think they were really overcharging me...Oh was still cheap enough for me :)

I was also so happy to eat Thai food...I can't eat spicy food though because I have a weak stomach and acid reflux but was so happy to have Spring Rolls and Thai Sweet and Sour Chicken and Fried Bananas all weekend!!! :) And the coconut shakes, orange shakes and banana shakes!!! Yum!!!!

The I went back to the hotel and sat on my swing on the balcony and relaxing and enjoying the moment and then had a great sleep!

Day 2
Got up early and decided I wanted to go on a tour but didn't know which one. Well, I didn't get up that early and missed the "James Bond Island Tour" There was a tour place in the hotel and so I asked the lady what they had to offer and she mentioned the "Tiger Cave Temple" which I researched before going and found out they have a Guanyin temple I decided I would go, but the tour for the temple and the rainforest walk had already started so I got a private taxi to take me and wait for me there...1,000 baht..a little pricey, but I wanted to see the temple really badly!!!

When I got there it was so cool! Lots of shrines and temples and people selling temple wares and offerings for you to offer to the gods. It was s o hot, but so awesome! I got pics of the temples and shrines and met one Thai nun whose husband is Taiwanese and lives in Kaohsiung and they go back and forth seeing each other!! She spoke Chinese to me so it was good practice!

She then showed me the Guanyin temple and I went there and prayed. People must think it is odd for an American girl to NOT be Christian and to pray to such gods and goddesses as Buddha and Guanyin, but it just works for me. I'm all about what Guanyin stands for...helping people and other beings on this planet alike. She is the goddess of mercy and it just happens to be something that I believe in.

I also made an offering with a thin gold piece of metal and put it in a box, where an elderly nun gave me a rust colored braided bracelet(which I lost snorkeling :( ) and then I bought a tiny stone statue of some god encased in a tiny plastic box with Thai writing on it...I think it will help me!

I also bought a string of Jade prayer beads from the Guanyin part of the area. It was so cool to see the monkeys there and this whole area is by a cave!! There were dogs there too, but they were homeless dogs and even though the people fed the monkeys bananas the dogs go hungry which made me sad...I wish I had dog food to give them :( I use the prayer beads and count them and chant to help me sleep because lately I have too many thoughts in my head and can't fall asleep....

Then I went back to the hotel...ordered room service-Thai Sweet and Sour Chicken (My ABSOLUTE fave) and iced tea. I ate it on the balcony and then put some pillows on the awesome swing and napped for two hours! Then I got up and had a driver take me to the Krabi nightmarket since none of the other guests were going or taking the bus...The Krabi nightmarket smelled better than Taiwan's-The scents of Jasmine, Lemongrass and curry filled the air!! But besides the smells and the fruit and curry, it was pretty lousy and small.

So then the driver took me back to Ao Nang where..of course I did more shopping :) and then went back to the hotel ate some pre-cut pomelo..I LOVE pomelo and then went to bed!

Day 3 "Four Islands Snorkeling Tour"

On Day 3, I woke up early and had hotel buffet breakfast and then waited for my snorkeling guide. Since I was alone, Hino told me to tell everyone that my "boyfriend" was a BIG STRONG Thai Policeman!! Hahaha! Like anyone would believe that, so I told everyone my "boyfriend"was back at the hotel doing business. Little did they know my poor REAL boyfriend was back in Taiwan!

And since I was alone for the tour, they put me in with another group, but still had my private snorkeling guide. So when I got on the tuk tuk to go to the tour I got on and said hi and smiled to everyone and they all just glared at me (Mostly western tourists). I thought it was such a shame that Western tourists and expats in Asia are so effin grumpy!! No one here EVER looks happy...EVEN in paradise like this!!!

So then we got on a Thai longtail boat and headed out for the islands. On our first stop my snorkeling guide took me around and showed me the coral. By then I mentioned I had a boyfriend and he seemed disappointed (which grossed me out because he could have been my dad!!!!! Blech!) so then he started asking where my boyfriend was and I said he was her on business and then my guide said "On a Saturday?" And I said yes, that the Taiwanese work every day...which is actually true!! Then later two Thai guys were like "Hey! You got a boyfriend??" And I said "Yeah, but he's doing business!" They didn't believe me but everyone else on the tour thought it was so TERRIBLE that my boyfriend was working instead of being with me-hahahahahaha!!!

So the first island..there were a school or two of fish in the shallow end of the beach and it was so cool because they'd just swim around everyone!

On the second island we didn't get off...we just snorkeled right off the boat close to the was Chicken island...

The third island we had shrimp fried rice and that was when I relaxed and hung out with some girls from Malaysia on the tour...they were pretty cool!

The fourth island was Railay and my snorkeling guide insisted I get my money's worth and show me the cave and the rock climbers and then I was tired and the whole point was just for me to snorkel and lay on the beach, plus I am surnburnt from head to toe...It is Tuesday now and I'm STILL in pain!!! Hahaha! (Need to invest in a wetsuit!) but it was cool to see the stalgmites and stalactites and East Railay...then we got back on the longtail boat and headed back. After that where did I go?? Of course! Ao Nang for more shopping and eating!!! ;)

I also ended up getting a head, leg and foot "After Sun" massage and a manicure and pedicure for only 550 baht!!!

Day 4 Back Home

On the last day I ended up having to stay in Bangkok airport for 6 hours!!! Thank god it's new and there is lots of shopping!! Everytime I have a connecting flight it is in Bangkok!!!

Oh! And I loved Thai Air! Their female flight attendants had the prettiest Thai sarong and uniforms and the seats reminded me of my parents'Christmas tree a couple years, gold and purple!! And they smelled so good!! I wanted to buy Thai perfume at the airport, but wasn't sure if I would be allowed to take it on the plane since they don't allow anything over 100 ml...:(

I will NEVER forget this experience and have decided that when I have enough money, I will buy a vacation house there and...would LOVE to get married there!!!!!! It was so romantic!!! There were times where I really wished Hino was there to share it with on the snorkeling trip, but we have plenty of opportunities!

As for right now, I'm back in Taiwan and my sunburn hurts like hell, but it was so worth it!!!

Now I'm going to go take a nap for bit and catch up on sleep again!

Khap hoon khap or however you say thank you in Thai! :)

P.S. I will try to have another Thailand slideshow soon!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

No News But Puppy News!

This past 10/10 (Taiwan's Birthday) I dogsat the puppy, Toby and one of the volunteer's dog.

Toby is doing very well! He is newspaper trained, got medicine for his skin, should be getting his vaccinations soon and is getting used to living inside. I think he enjoys it :)

He loves to play and loves cuddling!

We are going to take him to Jinguo park one of these Sundays and try to get him adopted!!

As for me, I've been reading "The Secret" I need to make some attitude changes in mylife as well as other changes.

I really like the book! although it does get a bit "infomercial"on ya, but you just take what you can out of it and apply it!

Hino and I went to this second-hand store on Min Sheng Rd. 150...they help Taichung PAWS and even the name of the store is something to do with loving animals :)

I bought the English version of Herman Hesse's "Sddhartha" for only NT$50(€1,13) and a travel Chinese Chess set for only NT$10(€0,23) which I will be bringing to Holland so that we can play iton the way to German Christmas Markets :)

I plan on donating a bunch of stuff and if you have stuff to donate, that'd be great!!

I love second-hand stores!!! I wish there were more here :(

Wow...I'm so boring...I know nothing...

I hope my next blog entry will be better :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

In Need of Some Positivity

Most people don't read quotes and they think that the people who use quotes to help lift their spirits are silly or ridiculous.

I am one of those silly or ridiculous people. I can't help it! When I read a positive quote, it motivates me to be a better person! Where's the wrong in that?

Soooo, here are some of my favorite quotes:

"I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass. " -Maya Angelou

"Turn your face to the sun and the shadows will only fall behind you" -Asian Proverb

"Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive, because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny." -Gandhi

"The lotus flower blooms most beautifully from the deepest and thickest mud." - Taro Gold

"Everyone fails sometimes, but no one is a failure." -Taro Gold

These are only a couple! I have tons more!! When I feel ready to give up, I sit in bed before I go to sleep and read these, to remind me that I am here to become a better person and to help!!

What good does giving up do?! NO GOOD!

So, right now I need positivity more than anything right now as last week I wanted to give up. I can't give up on anything! I just need to keep researching, fighting and helping!! Everyone has rough patches...nothing is perfect and right now I am in one, but everything will work out as it always does!

I just have to say this one more time. I am so grateful for my fambly...I love them so much!! And I'm so grateful for da Hino...he has been so patient with me(kind of-haha!) and has helped me with so much!

And I am grateful for everyone at Taichung PAWS!

Now I have to stay positive and start helping!

Thank you

P.S. Caroline's blog "An Animal Lover's Diary in Taiwan"

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Puppy Update:

Some good news on the puppy!

One of the volunteers is fostering the puppy temporarily until we can either find another foster home or better yet, a permanent LOVING home!

The puppy will not be called Toetje because it is too hard to pronounce (will have to save that when I can actually HAVE a dog) but my volunteer friend will think of a good English name for him!

So she took him to the vet and he has had so far:
A de-heartworming pill
a drop on his back of the anti-tick and flea stuff
medicine because he does have a slight skin condition-When I held him though I didn't really notice it so it doesn't seem to be serious.
and something else but I can't remember

He will be getting his vaccinations soon!

I have decided to foot the bill for the puppy because I feel it is my need. I want to keep that puppy and since I am not allowed and my schedule won't allow it either, I want to do what I can to give this puppy a chance to have a loving home!! A loving family to cuddle with just like Bogart!!

Obviously, I am an English teacher in Taiwan so I am absolutely NOT rolling in dough, but in my eyes, this puppy is worth it! If I were a millionaire, I'd probably adopt so many doggies!!!! :)

As for his age: he is about 3 and a half months old! He is playful and shows his love!

As for me, I need to do more research on helping this lil guy get adopted ASAP!

Laundry is calling me and so is my vanilla tea. I have such a headache. I have also dedicated myself to an hour of studying Chinese every night so that I won't be the stupid one in class anymore! I honestly have no confidence in anything right now.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Clash of Culture; The Conclusion

So, we had a meeting yesterday about Tsaotun.

It was intense at first! We were emotional (especially me since my "Aunt Flo" is visiting) and they were were emotional. We have our beliefs and they have theirs.

They told us that in one shelter they help, people will throw puppies and dogs over the fence at night. They always see dead puppies in the shelter yard or dead dogs because they were thrown over.

There are even some people who put poison in dog and feed it to street dogs

People are horrible creatures and you wonder why I am so emotional about this. Other animals don't kill each other for fun or a "rush"! Dogs don't torture other animals simply because it is "bored"! Dogs have basic needs and instincts and only kill out of self defense for themselves, for food or whatever. Dogs give people love. loyalty and care. If they are mean it is because you are doing something that is making them scared or nervous or probably because some asshole treated them badly. They are just protecting their best interests is all.

For a while it seemed like we were going in circles. And I couldn't understand half of it because my Chinese is so limited (am considering Chinese classes every day for the extra exposure) and this was making me even more upset (I'm sure everyone else,too) because I was so afraid we wouldn't come to a positive decision...

But in the end we did!

So we will keep going to Tsaotun and helping them as long as they give the dogs the medical treatment they need and if there are problems they contact us. That's why we are here!! To help!!

I think this purely a clash of culture. They think one way. We think another. We just need to find a way to mesh so that we have the best interest for the dogs and so far I think it was successful!

My friends, the other volunteers, said they would help me find foster homes for the puppy"Toetje" as long as I take him to the dog park on Sunday and keep finding ways to get him adopted!! Since it is IMPOSSIBLE during the week, I have committed to the weekend because this puppy NEEDS to get out of the cage and start living in homes! I can't wait to walk him in the a way he kind of reminds me of Bogart when he is happy so it will be good!

I am also going to walk Dai Dai on Saturdays still as planned! It is not only for the dogs, but for me. I think it is good for me because I can get out, get some fresh air and it is good therapy because Dai Dai always makes me laugh and I'm sure Toetje will too and laughter is the best medicine. Plus, this is motivation for me to get them into a LOVING home!!

I am so grateful for that, really, because I joined this group not only to make friends with people who I have something in common with, but to also help these dogs!! And if I didn't/don't save the puppy then I'm a failure (in my opinion)!! I am afraid of failure.

After the meeting, we went to a nearby pub and had a couple drinks. I had an Erdinger because it's Oktoberfest in Germany and a Weissbier sounded so damn good and it was!! I actually don't drink in Taiwan much so one beer and I was drunk. But it was nice to talk to everyone! Learn where they are from, who they are (besides dog and cat lovers), their family and all that. It was what we needed and they have become my friends (and I hope I have become theirs).

I really feel positive about the future. It's going to take extra hard work (since this isn't our job-we all have day jobs), sweat, tears and a LOT of research(on MY part) to make it better but I know we can do it!

It was quite obvious last night that we ALL care deeply and caring is one step toward a great and positive future!

I will leave you with a quote:
"One who works with you is equal to ten who work for you."
-Taro Gold "Open Your Mind, Open Your Life"

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"Ten Promises to My Dog"

Ten Commandments From a Dog's Point of View
Author: Stan Rawlinson Dip MTCBPT.PAACT
Copyright © 1989-2006. All Rights Reserved
Used with Author's permission

  1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Regular separation from you will be painful and can even cause depression. Think before you buy me.
  2. Give me time to understand what you want from me don't be impatient, short-tempered or irritable.
  3. Place your trust in me and I will always trust you back, respect is earned not given as some sort of inalienable right.
  4. Don't be angry with me for long, and don't lock me up as punishment. I am not capable of understanding why I am being locked up. I only know I have been rejected. You have your work, entertainment and friends. I only have you.
  5. Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand your tone. "You only have to look at my tail" to know that.
  6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget, if that treatment is unjust or bad, it may spoil the special bond between us.
  7. Please do not hit me. I cannot hit back, but I can bite and scratch and I don't ever want to feel the need to do that.
  8. Before you tell me off me for being uncooperative, obstinate, or lazy, ask yourself if something might be wrong with me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food or I've been out in the sun too long, maybe my heart is getting old and weak, or maybe I'm just dog-tired.
  9. Take care of me when I get old. You too will grow old and will also want care, love, and affection.
  10. Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say, "I can't bear to watch" or "Let it happen in my absence". Everything is easier for me if you are there. Remember, Irrespective of what you do I will always love you.

"Ten Promises to My Dog" trailer

No news yet on the shelter. Meeting this Saturday.

As for the stuff above. These are the "Ten Commandments from a Dog's Point of View" and the movie from Japan that I'm pretty sure it was based on.

Just watching the trailer makes me sob hysterically! I think it's gonna be like "The Notebook" I could NOT stop sobbing!!!

I can't wait to see it!

Here is another version of them(from the movie) from a little handout booklet from the vet where Dai Dai is:

  1. Give me time to understand what you want of me.
  2. Place your trust in me. It's crucial to my well-being.
  3. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it.
  4. Before you scold me for being lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me.
  5. Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand your voice when it is speaking to me.
  6. Remember before you hit me, I have teeth that could hurt you, but choose not to bite you.
  7. Take care of me when I get old.
  8. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you will be painful for me.
  9. You have your work, your entertainment, and your friends. I only have you.
  10. Go with me on difficult journeys. Everything is easier for me if you are there. Remember I love you.

Shelter Update


We are all going to have a meeting this Saturday and talk about it. It's silly to put the blame on anyone until we get this all straightened out and it's obvious, since I am new to this, that I need to do more research and listen to all sides of the story before I start getting opinions.

Personally, All I want is for the dogs to have a better life and want to work towards that-period.

As for me, PMS is here again so I am overemotional. I really need to tell my bosses that this 3 school thing has decreased my confidence as well as my teaching and patience. But truth is, I am afraid that the relationship between them will get worse. My one colleague got excellent teacher award and she is at one school. I don't want excellent teacher award, but just want respect and to show them that I perform better when I am at one school.

OK I'm done...

More updates on the shelter later

More updates on the shelter later.

Monday, September 29, 2008

A Typhoon of Emotions..and a Typhoon

Tsaotun shelter visit

Dai Dai!! Isn't he the funniest and cutest thing ever?!! :)
I'm sorry that I haven't written in a while. Like I probably have said before. Right now I am working at 3 different branches and have been given this class that has become a MAJOR challenge! On top of that, I am in the upper level Chinese class and am struggling. Not to mention, all the other every day things that need to be done and by the time rest time comes along I am too pooped to do anything but either sleep or veg out on Facebook or hang out with da Hino.

But, I have been trying to help out Taichung PAWS! The volunteers need desperate help and of course!! The doggies!!

So first the somber:

A couple of us decided to go to Tsaotun today since it is that time of the month and help out like we normally do. As circumstances would have it, today happened to be when the typhoon would start to hit REAL hard. Maybe we were crazy, but we wanted to help.

So, we get to the shelter and things went as usual...cutting the grass with the shears and sickle, cleanign the hair and poop and moving cages so the ground could be cleaned.

But then these two guys came to give us thank us for helping out. To be honest, I think those of us that were there are still trying to figure everything out. Basically, as this was all going on, one of the volunteers noticed that a couple of the dogs had stitches (sorry if I am misconstruing this, if so please tell me!!) and she asked why. After a few run arounds we finally got an answer that was something like...the neighbors were complaining about the barking, and the landlord said they would evict the caretaker and the dogs so the caretaker HAD to cut out a couple of the dogs' vocal chords...?



This came as a shock to us because the money that was spent on this asinine procedure should have been spent on getting these dogs medical treatment and other necessities. And just because those couple of dogs now have no vocal chords, the other dogs are still going to bark!!!!!

Ok, I'm new to all of this and yes, I am ignorant and naive, but this is just ridiculous! And I feel even more ignorant and naive because I assumed that these people knew how to handle a shelter and care for the dogs, but they don't!!

And what those two guys were doing there...hell if I know!! Apparently like everything else in this world, the system is corrupt as are the people.

My friend, one of the volunteers was so upset she ended up crying a couple times and for good reason! She is one of the founders of the organization and she has worked so hard to make things better and then something like this happens!!

And of course, I feel even worse because even though the puppy was a LOT better and healthier (well externally seen) I had to put it back in its cage and leave it there...and in the typhoon no less!

So now we have to figure what we are going to do about the shelter. This is a serious matter and we can not keep coming there if they aren't going to do jack shit to make it better!!! I mean, Jesus Christ!! The whole point of it is to MAKE THINGS BETTER and it's NOT!!!! It's worse!

But be on the lookout...if we can talk this over and get this fixed, we are hoping to have a fundraiser. I WANT a fundraiser for this shelter and I WANT these dogs adopted and into loving homes where the owners are smart enough as well as treat them in the best way possible!! Even if I am still tiringly(is that a word? oh well it's my word now) busy like I am now, I have decided to dedicate on or two days on the weekend to help Taichung PAWS!

I've also started walking the funniest and happiest dog on Saturdays with Hino. We go to a vet nearby and since this dog is being housed there temporarily until we find it a loving home, I volunteered to take it on a walk every Saturday. This lil guy's name is DaiDai and he is a pug (see above) and he is the CUTEST thing ever!! He seems to be healthy and he walks so adorable and happy!

I REALLY hate not being able to take these dogs home!! Once again...motivation for me to get my Master's , become fluent in Chinese and get a nice paying job where I can adopt these cuties!!!!

On a more positive note, I am happy to have great friends, DA BEST FAMBLY IN DA WORLD and finally, a great boyfriend who is actually there for me and get along with! I'm very grateful! Now, if I could just get Toetje (That's my name for da baby-His fur looks like Cookies and Cream ice cream and Toetje is Dutch for little dessert)and Dai Dai and Lucy and Star and Cinderella(Ok I don't remember Cinderella's name but for some reason I had a dream that was her..or is it his?? name) adopted then I wouldn't feel like such a wretch!!

And...TYPHOON DAY TOMORROW! No school! Yippee! :)

Tsaotun shelter during typhoon and otwo links to vids of Hino and I walking Dai Dai because it is almost 3am!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

He Stole My Heart

This puppy randomly wandered into the Tsaotun shelter on Sunday while we were cleaning it. Supposedly this little guy's brother/sister was found dead nearby. He was scared and has white warts all over his underside if I remember correctly.

We have to keep him in the cage because the other dogs in the shelter are a lot bigger and could really hurt the little guy. The shelter's caretaker, another volunteer and I took turns holding him and cuddling him before putting him in the cage. We also fed him and gave him water.

The one volunteer asked me if I could take it home but there is absolutely NO WAY that I can no matter how much I want to (And BELIEVE ME!!! I WANT TO!!!!!) First, my landlord forbids ANY pets. 2. I work late morning like 11:00 to 10:00 at night...Tuesdays and Fridays, I am gone from 9am to 10pm because of Chinese class and work. I live on the 7th floor in the TINIEST studio apartment. I am leaving for Thailand for a couple daysin October and will be in Holland visiting family at Christmas and refuse to leave a dog anywhere besides someones house and noone would watch him for me NO money!

I hate myself for not taking him home!!!! But...everything is against me...I have been crying every night just thinking about him all alone in that rusting cage with noone to cuddle with...

And the worst part is...he reminds me SO MUCH of the family dog, Bogart, which just rips my heart even more!!!!

So I have been putting flyers at all three of my schools so that someone could take him to a vet and could give him a loving home!! I have been on Facebook trying to find someone who can help!!

As for Tsaotun is getting worse. My biggest worry is the cages. They are rusted, falling apart and are soo uncomfortable and unhealthy for the dogs. The dogs need cleaned, the ticks removed and flea sprayed, but usually we only have energy to cut the grass (by hand using sickles and shears) and to clean the floor which has poop and hair...of course! As well as clean the food and water bowls...

The lady who takes care of the shelter does what she can but trust me, she does NOT look like she's rolling in money (no offense). On Sunday, there were 6 of us there, but that still didnt seem like enough people!! Besides, the Taiwan heat in August makes everything harder!

The shelter is in dire need of help. I applaud this woman for having this shelter for the dogs when so many Taiwanese are uneducated about animal welfare. I have heard so many horror stories of how animals are treated here. People here are very uneducated. For example, I went to the Jing Guo park one Sunday where TUAPA hold their pet adoption event every Sunday. The person I was with wanted to feed one of the dogs "pearls" (tapioca balls) from his Pearl Milk/Bubble Tea. I had to tell him dogs CANNOT eat that! It is not good for their stomach. That worried me...He had also told me stories where I wondered if he and his family were fit to have a pet. He didn't do it out of cruelty, it was just plain ignorance.

I also heard stories of Taiwanese kids putting rubber bands around dogs noses..or people doing it for whatever asinine reason and then the dog's nose is amputated or what not because the rubber band cut off its circulation. People really are stupid and terrible sometimes.

Sooo...with all this in mind..I REALLY want to find this puppy a loving home, but I'm scared that a family is going to leave him right where he was when he wandered into the shelter-scared, alone and sick. I wish I could take him away from all that and keep him and cuddle with him every night, but unfortunately I am not sure that situation would be better with my working long hours and such.

So please! Someone help him!!! Give him a loving home!!! Let him cuddle with you on the couch and give him the love and attention and fun and nourishment he needs...PLEASE!!!!!!!!! I am on hands and knees!

One last note...I deeply apologize for my ridiculously potty mouth in the last post. I've been stressed about work and frustrated with people. I guess I had been holding it all in and it just came out in a very stupid and negative way. Not to mention HIGHLY UNprofessional. I'm very sorry if I offended anyone and will try to be less rude in the future. But..I don't want to delete the post as it is a part of my life and think it is silly to do such.
(Plus my mom gave me a lecture about it and Mom knows best-haha!!)